branco enterprises logo in blue and red

What’s Ahead? Commercial Construction Trends in 2021

a drone and drone operator with watching it take off with the hashtag #buildingourfuture

2020 saw unprecedented changes in the commercial construction industry. The COVID-19 pandemic led to international supply chain shortages, workforce challenges, industry need shifts, and the task of finding new ways to operate in a rapidly different world. Couple this with technological disruptions in the industry and a cultural shift towards sustainable building to create a […]

Our Accomplishments Drive Us Forward: 2020 In Review

Looking Back at 2020

2020 was an unprecedented year for so many of us. COVID-19 brought about surprise difficulties in our industry and a need to solve supply shortages, as well as quickly pivot our focus on safety to include a serious virus. In 2020, Branco accomplished so much. Our family of staff, builders, and contractors pulled together to […]

How to Find and Hire the Right Commercial Contractor

Choosing The Right Commercial Contractor

When searching for a general contractor there are countless firms to choose from, however choosing an experienced firm that’s familiar with your local and regional markets will ensure your project is a success before construction begins. Keep these best practices in mind when you’re choosing your building partner. Identify your project goals Whether you are […]

The Importance of Building Codes in Commercial Construction

hand writing on a notepad regarding Building Codes and Commercial Construction

Due to its sheer complexity, building codes have a reputation of being one of the most daunting aspects of the construction process for even the most experienced building owners, general contractors, and other industry professionals. However, building codes play a critical role in the success (or shortcomings) of a project. That’s because they provide a […]

The Design-Build Method of Construction Could Be Right For Your Project

6 Steps of a Design-Build Project with the hashtag #wearebranco

What is Design-Build in Construction? Design-build is a method of project delivery that simplifies the process by allowing the design-build team to work under one contract, directly with the owner, to provide both design and construction services. This gives owners a single point of contact for both the design and construction of a project and […]